Loathing this, controlling this, let me get a hold of this

I don't see the point in this, almost at all. anymore. but I'm gonna keep this shit going. It's kind of comforting to know I have this to fall back on when I'm loathing my native language the most.
I simply will not believe you
If you try to tell me
You can't see the trouble
You can't feel my pain

I'm aware you're not a monster
A robot
Born without feelings
You know all about the trouble
You can clearly see all my pain

You should take it in
All the nowledge you have
You know much moore than you think

Some pain comes in strokes
Some pain starts in the bottom and works it's way up
At some point it all reaches your eyes
Tears always seem to appear

Laughter could not eaven try to compete
With the complete devistation that tears always bring
Hapiness is much more thin
Less sustainable
Sorrow reaches your high ground and pulls you down
Hapiness simply makes you jump for a while
Only to fall back down
To go from sorrow to hapiness you have to climb


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