She's always a woman
She can heal with a smile
She can cure with her eyes
She can ruin your faith in your casual lies
And she only reveals what she wants you to see
She hides like a child
But she's always a woman to me
She can lead you to love
She can't take you n or leave you
She can ask for the truth
But she'll never believe you
And she'll take what you give her but not what she'd need
Yeah, she's young and not free
But she's always a woman to me
Oh, she takes care of herself
She can see what she wants
She's ahead of her time
Oh, and she always gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes her mind
She will promise you more
Than the Garden of Eden
Then she'll carefully build you
And help while you're bleedin'
But she'll bring out the truth
And the best you can be
Blame the bad on yourself
Cause she's always a woman to me
Oh, she takes care of herself
She can see what she wants
She's ahead of her time
Oh, and she always gives out
And she never gives in
She just changes your mind
She is frequently kind
And then inward so cruel
She can do as she pleases
She's nobody's fool
But she can't be convinced
She's deserves to be free
And the most she will do
Is throw shadows at you
But she's always a woman to me
Loathing this, controlling this, let me get a hold of this
I don't see the point in this, almost at all. anymore. but I'm gonna keep this shit going. It's kind of comforting to know I have this to fall back on when I'm loathing my native language the most.
I simply will not believe you
If you try to tell me
You can't see the trouble
You can't feel my pain
I'm aware you're not a monster
A robot
Born without feelings
You know all about the trouble
You can clearly see all my pain
You should take it in
All the nowledge you have
You know much moore than you think
Some pain comes in strokes
Some pain starts in the bottom and works it's way up
At some point it all reaches your eyes
Tears always seem to appear
Laughter could not eaven try to compete
With the complete devistation that tears always bring
Hapiness is much more thin
Less sustainable
Sorrow reaches your high ground and pulls you down
Hapiness simply makes you jump for a while
Only to fall back down
To go from sorrow to hapiness you have to climb
The truth is I know exactly where I want to go, I just don't know how to get there. I hate it whem things are basicly completely in the hands of somebody else, and yet it is one of your biggest thigs. It takes up ally our time and thoughts and yet it's not up to you.
God I wish it was just up to me.
God I wish it was just up to me.
Something I want
For no reason really:
A boyfriend or a son named Will
A boyfriend or a son named Will
I thought she'd left
It's funny how you can be on your way up
Practically running up the biggest hill
Jumping over all obstacles
And then the silliest tunes can push you right back to the ground
The fall is'nt long
It's the smashing into the ground that hurts
Practically running up the biggest hill
Jumping over all obstacles
And then the silliest tunes can push you right back to the ground
The fall is'nt long
It's the smashing into the ground that hurts
Call me
Some place where the air you breathe
Turns to cold drops of ice cold water
Some place where the houses are covered in decorative ice
Making the wood crack
Some place so beautiful it's hard to breath
You don't want to breathe
You're afraid the beauty will dissapear
If you breath on it with your air
Your air
That has travelled such a long way
Your air that is as ugly as you are
As foul, gross and disgusting
You're afraid it will melt the ice
Maybe set the houses on fire
The world you're from is so much moore destroyed
So filthy
Used up
But the worst part about it is you
You are all of those things and moore
If only you could ceas to exist
But still be left here
So you could see
What beauty would be
If only you
Weren't there to destroy it all
God, you really hate this
Don't you?
That's wrong
All of your thoughts are wrong
The only thing that isn't wrong
Is you
You might not see the beauty you possess
But trust me someone will
Someone with different eyes
Eyes that aren't filled with filth
Like your eyes are
Turns to cold drops of ice cold water
Some place where the houses are covered in decorative ice
Making the wood crack
Some place so beautiful it's hard to breath
You don't want to breathe
You're afraid the beauty will dissapear
If you breath on it with your air
Your air
That has travelled such a long way
Your air that is as ugly as you are
As foul, gross and disgusting
You're afraid it will melt the ice
Maybe set the houses on fire
The world you're from is so much moore destroyed
So filthy
Used up
But the worst part about it is you
You are all of those things and moore
If only you could ceas to exist
But still be left here
So you could see
What beauty would be
If only you
Weren't there to destroy it all
God, you really hate this
Don't you?
That's wrong
All of your thoughts are wrong
The only thing that isn't wrong
Is you
You might not see the beauty you possess
But trust me someone will
Someone with different eyes
Eyes that aren't filled with filth
Like your eyes are
And I wish I didn't care
I sometimes dream that life is wonderful
No, I always dream that
That's why I hate waking up
Soooo much
Life is not something I long for when I wake up
Not light or bright or fun or great
Life is grey
Life is a lifelong pain
A road filled only by let downs and dissapointment
My mother once compared life to a painting
Stating that our greef, is the grey and black in this painting
And that we needed it, beacuse no good painting is without grey and black
No cloud is without shadows
But I beg to differ
I think that life is a painting, sure
But it is made of grey and black
And our happy moments are the light colours and white
For they are much moore rare
And I can't say that my life is built on happiness and that light colours are a certanity
In my life it's the black colours that are a certanity
No, I always dream that
That's why I hate waking up
Soooo much
Life is not something I long for when I wake up
Not light or bright or fun or great
Life is grey
Life is a lifelong pain
A road filled only by let downs and dissapointment
My mother once compared life to a painting
Stating that our greef, is the grey and black in this painting
And that we needed it, beacuse no good painting is without grey and black
No cloud is without shadows
But I beg to differ
I think that life is a painting, sure
But it is made of grey and black
And our happy moments are the light colours and white
For they are much moore rare
And I can't say that my life is built on happiness and that light colours are a certanity
In my life it's the black colours that are a certanity
All these things that I've done
Why do I know exactly what to do, and yet I never do that? Never ever. I have all these great plans for how I'm going to make up with lost friends, do things that after all will result in my well-being. Why do I ignore them? That's just stupid. So very stupid.
I kind of wish I could hurt myself. I would if I had my own place, but I don't. Maybe for the better. I'm not really afraid for pain, if I'm the one hurting myself. It's the lack of control that can scare me. The pain it self is most of the time quite bearable.
My bestest of best friends is in town today, (Probably not yet thought) but I still miss her. I wish I had more than one person with whom I could be myself. It is ofcourse possible for me to be myself with everyone, but it never goes well. I mean who really wants to hang out with a cynical, cold, closed up, angry, immature bitch? Aspecially when I can turn myself into a positive, cute, self loving, mature friend. That's right, not a soul.
Well, that's all I guess. No one reads this anyway so who cares? Not me
I kind of wish I could hurt myself. I would if I had my own place, but I don't. Maybe for the better. I'm not really afraid for pain, if I'm the one hurting myself. It's the lack of control that can scare me. The pain it self is most of the time quite bearable.
My bestest of best friends is in town today, (Probably not yet thought) but I still miss her. I wish I had more than one person with whom I could be myself. It is ofcourse possible for me to be myself with everyone, but it never goes well. I mean who really wants to hang out with a cynical, cold, closed up, angry, immature bitch? Aspecially when I can turn myself into a positive, cute, self loving, mature friend. That's right, not a soul.
Well, that's all I guess. No one reads this anyway so who cares? Not me
Andyour face has become a strangers to me
When I see you, at last I don't see me
When I see you, at last I don't see me
Shok their hands
Cleaned them of the dirt
Cleaned them of the dirt
I get around
Here I come
When I'd better go
I say yes
When I oughta say no
When I'd better go
I say yes
When I oughta say no
I wish
I wish you could write tones that would be awesome.
I feel beautiful today, agains many odds. I do, and it feels great.
I feel beautiful today, agains many odds. I do, and it feels great.
Music is THE best topic to get to write an essay on
A thousand miles
There are a lot of things I can't take
But none of them are as bad as waiting, when I know I'm waiting for nothing
Or doubt
Doubt kills me
I hate to doubt, and I hate it when others doubt
But none of them are as bad as waiting, when I know I'm waiting for nothing
Or doubt
Doubt kills me
I hate to doubt, and I hate it when others doubt
How quickly fresh blood dries
Well I feel a bit like I haven't been writing anything here in a long time, but who cares? I started this blog to write down all things I wanted to write in english, but couldn't write in my other blog. But lately I haven't had a lot of those kind of thoughts. I guess that's good in one way.